Sunday, September 21, 2008

Just A Day

I'm still SICK! It has been forever. My fear is that it's going to turn into pnemonia (sp?) then what? Geez. It doesn't help that my whole class is sniffing and blowing. Yuck. I just still have this annoying cough, that's it. *sigh* I hate the idea of "sick."

I'm not sure what has prompted me to write today, here. Just cause I guess :) I have no useless knowledge to share, yet, but if I type randomly for awhile I bet something will come out.

Well, I do know I have some silent thoughts. For now, I will shield from them for a few days longer. It's the change in the air. The transition from summer to fall that some emptiness begins to settle. It comes with every season.

Waiting for the perfect words.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


I hate being sick. The whole ordeal puts a damper on my day. Misery. If I'm not coughing, I'm trying NOT to cough. It's a miserable cycle. Here's what I don't get. I finally break down and go to the Doc in a box. I at least wanted to half way have half a weekend. So, I proceeded and was seen by a doctor for less than 5 minutes. He listened with his stethoscope and rendered a diagnosis. "Bronchitis." Just cause he was so quick, I asked how he knew...something about how the air is moving. That was it. Nice. Then, I go to check out, without insurance it was 158.00. Can you believe that? Highway robbery, seriously. No wonder our health care premiums are outrageous. That's it a stethoscope and a diagnosis for 158.00. Someone is getting cheated.

Nevertheless, medicine manifests in my system, and I think I may be on the up and up. I hope anyway. My kids feel really sorry for me, and offer that i come to their house so their parents can give me medicine. Sweet, but annoying. After, having to say at least 20 times a day, I'll be fine. Hello, that "I'll be fine" just wasted 2 minutes of instruction time! :) It's a tight ship these days.

Well, for now, sadly that is all I know. I know the cowboys play tonight. I know that I left my sunglasses at Kohl's and they had not been returned. That's sad to me. So, off I go again to invest in another pair. Yep, keeping it simple, yet real.

Until next time.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Forever Friend

I've watched a viscious cycle take its toll on a faraway friend. As a bystander I have often held my breath and "hoped" for the best. No, that's a lie. I always hoped life would be easier and her search for happiness would not be in a human. That's what I intrinsically hoped for. She found God again, and started a fruitful relationship, I was hoping that was enough. With kids, and the idea of a family always has a nice ring, but the "baggage" (for lack of better words) is sometimes not worth the trouble. It seems her entire young adulthood has been a struggle. I hate that for her. Yet, I hope even know in the midst of heartache she is clining more tightly to HIS promise.

Thinking about ya, kid!