Sunday, September 21, 2008

Just A Day

I'm still SICK! It has been forever. My fear is that it's going to turn into pnemonia (sp?) then what? Geez. It doesn't help that my whole class is sniffing and blowing. Yuck. I just still have this annoying cough, that's it. *sigh* I hate the idea of "sick."

I'm not sure what has prompted me to write today, here. Just cause I guess :) I have no useless knowledge to share, yet, but if I type randomly for awhile I bet something will come out.

Well, I do know I have some silent thoughts. For now, I will shield from them for a few days longer. It's the change in the air. The transition from summer to fall that some emptiness begins to settle. It comes with every season.

Waiting for the perfect words.

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