Sunday, June 12, 2005

Delighted Dad

Dear Child,
You look for great ways to bring Me glory. You feel frustrated and somehow stuck in the ordinary things of life. Know this: I delight in the ordinary. I delight in a life lived simply and obediently before Me. When you choose to embrace the small struggles and simple pleasures of this one day, you honor Me. You cannot offer higher praise to Me than the praise of a calm and joyous life. Do each small task as an offering to Me, for I see and appreciate your work. Enter into each conversation with a determination to let My Words come out through you, for I hear and delight in such conversation. In this way, the most common life becomes extraordinary. The simplest day becomes holy.
I am with you in this ordinary day.
Diligent child,

Yes, it has been hard, I know,but that tough training period is nearly over now. As I told you before, I have made use of these months to prepare you for promotion-not to punish you. I have been trusting you to trust Me. Thank you for trusting! I realize it has not been easy.
I especially want to thank you for listening for My voice when all those other conflicting voices arose. I know how hard it was-especially when all the others thought they were hearing from Me and kept telling you that you were not. But you were, child. Believe Me, you were! because you wanted My will above all else, you walked in My Will.
Now do you see the fruit of those days? You have learned to hear My voice above all the clamor and you are stronger- more resilient . Anyone who really knows you can see it. How can I describe MY joy? At last! You chose to stand fast. You set your heart to trust Me, even in those times when the enemy told you I has left you and you had missed the way.
And what about you tantrums? I never took them seriously. They certainly never offended Me. As is often the case with My children, the frustration expressed by your lips had nothing to do with the deeper faith of your heart, expressed by your will. When you told Me you were trusting and then willed to walk on with Me, I took you at your word. I admit , you did ask your fair share of hard questions. But consider My servant Job. Did he not do the same? My assessment is: in all your railing and flailing you never sinned, though We both know your patience did wear thin at times. Dangerously thin. But after all, you were being stretched to your very limits, were you not? I think so.
Stop feeling guilty and enjoy your rest. The rest is a part of the training too. New joys, new powers and new conquests await you, but I do want you prepared to enjoy them!

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Dear One

Dear One,
Your life is filled with so many things-so many people and plans and places and appointments. You rise early, and you go to bed late. And though you may stop and turn to Me briefly, in only a moment you are off again into your own thoughts and imaginations and pursuits.
Do you think that I am part of one world and not of another? Do you think that I Am the God of prayers and church and not the God of business and relationships? Don't you know that there is no place you can go apart from My Spirit- that My presence goes with you always?
If you go up to heaven, I am there. if you sink to the depths, I am there also. If you fly to the far side of the ocean, I am still there. There is no darkness so deep that My light cannot penetrate and dispel it.
Oh how I long for the time when you will welcome Me into every boardroom and living room, every conference and conversation. I want to be your confidant. I want to be your closest friend.
I want to be your God.
Where can I go to get away from Your Spirit?
Where can I run from You?
If I go to the heavens, you are there.
If I lie down in the grave, you are there.
If I rise with he sun in the East and settle in the west beyond the sea, even there you would guide me.
With Your right hand You would hold me.
I could say, "The darkness will hide me. Let the light around me turn into night." But even the darkness is not dark to you. The night is as light as the day; darkness and light are the same to You.
Psalm 139:7-12

Dear God.

Dear God,
I don't know any other way to tell You than to just come out and say it: I've let You down, Father, and I'm so sorry.
It happened the same way it's happened so many times before: I felt the pull of the temptation. I walked over to take a closer look- telling myself that I wouldn't get too close. But I just keep walking- closer and closer. With each step my conscious thoughts- of You, of what I was about to do, of where I was going- began to shut down.
By the time I got to the edge of it, I was numb. Numb to You. Numb to the promises I've made. Numb to the hurt my actions would cause me and those I love. All the warnings I'd heard just a short while before were silenced. My mind and my heart were iced over with nothingness. And then I took the final step. It was as if I were on autopilot.
Then when the deed was gone, the freeze on my heart began to thaw and reality began to dawn once again. The ache in my heart began to anew. The shame. The regret.
It took everything in me to come to You this time. Voices in my head tried to tell me that You were sick of my weakness. Sick of my sin. Sick of me. But somewhere deep in my heart. I remembered Your Son and His sacrifice.
Lord God, is it possible for me to finally master this sin? Will I ever have victory over it? Do You even hear me after I've disappointed You so many times?
Your Penitent Child

Thursday, June 9, 2005

Heart's Supply

My precious child,
Today are you aware of your emptiness, your spiritual poverty, your personal neediness? Do you feel weak or in some way inadequate? Well, let Me tell you a wonderful secret of My Kingdom. When you are most empty, the one who fulfils you is very near. When you are poor in spirit, great spiritual riches are at hand. When you are the most needy, the one who meets your need draws close to hear you cry. For, you see, My kingdom is unlike any worldly kingdom. In this worlds system. the soul who is poor, weak, needy, or empty is often despised and ignored. But in My Kingdom, when you feel bound by great need, you are actually in a position to know the exciting truth that will free you. And here is that truth: Your need is the very thing that causes you to cry out to Me. And it is when you do cry out to Me that I will come into your heart and heal you and make you whole. So cry out to Me in your time of spiritual emptiness, and I will fill you with My Own Spirit.
Your heart's supply,
Those people who knows they have great spiritual need is happy, because the kingdom of Heaven belongs to them. Matthew 5:3

I am very happy to brag about my weaknesses, Then Christ's power can live in Me. For this reason I am happy when I have weaknesses, insults, hard times, sufferings, and all kinds of troubles for Christ. Because when I am weak, then I am truly strong.
2 Corinthians 12:9b-10

Get up, cry out in the night, even as the night begins. Pour out your heart like water in prayer to the Lord. Lift up your hands in prayer to Him for the life of your children who are fainting with hunger on every street corner.
Lamentations 2:19