*****DISCLAIMER***** I'm typing so freaking fast and I'm THAT annoyed my typing may suck. I finished this email in about 4 minutes, so I'm typing super fast.
You know, I would copy and past this in word to teach a life lesson to some other needy soul.
At my expense, my smart and wise expense I am the bad person. You decide if I'm guilty.
The story begins with an offer to help. I'll own that. During the midst of this story the person who I offered to help made constant arrangements to get together to work on something. All those arrangements where was she? Ah, she playing with her friends. This person 30, a full
fl edge adult. (I'm 28 by the way.) This person is finishing up a four year degree to become a teacher. The best part of this story is that she has her
priorities in check and she is responsible.
THEN, ONE DAY she shows up. She says I have to run home to get a flash drive (3 miles away) and I'll be back. Guess what? She doesn't show up again!!! See a pattern of responsibility and priorities. So, the following day she has the audacity to call and ask for the project. Guess what I said? (my fourth grade students knew the answer to this one). Nope, you never came, its now your problem. What are you going to do about this project now?
Oh, yeah a few weeks or week before I volunteered to help with another project. The papers I first received that the due date was April 19
th. I get a text message saying on a Saturday "The project is due on Monday." The end of text. I was sitting at home watching TV. Guess what I did? I looked at it and I said to myself okay its due Monday, thanks for letting me know. I continued my cheap entertainment. GET THIS, at 30 with her
priorities in check and being responsible i was supposed to assume she needed my help. Did she ask? Nope. I said, "Too bad for her she had to work 6 hours to finish something). Are you remembering that her constant phrase was "I am responsible and have my
priorities in check."
This is where the story gets really good. Last weekend, she made arrangements to come over and get something. She shows up!! WOO
HOO! She must really need this project and have
priorities and responsibilities in check. She says, "Hey, I have to run home (3 miles away) and get a flash drive." Don't miss a detail it was 3 miles away. You want to know the funny thing? She doesn't show up. Her
excuse (remember
responsibility and
priorities her number 1 phrase) I FORGOT! You want to know what she did? She walked to the lake and she went bowling. So, guys, she forgot, oh pity her. Please. Someone at 30 better have their shit together.
The following day I get the call. Guess what? She decides she REALLY needs the project. (My students knew the answer to his
dilemma, too) I said, "I'm not going to give it to you." Oh heavens, did that start an uproar like you would not believe. I am so the most horrible, mean, and bad guy in the whole world. She made a choice and she forgot. I didn't forget that people who want something bad enough are going to play and go on walks. I figured she didn't need it, she could do other things. The funny consistent theme is she has her
priorities in check and is responsible.
For the matter above, that clearly I do not own (her lack of responsibility and I not giving it to her), except I'm not a
dumb ass and I'm not going to be used; people in relation to her I've given up on and walked away, most
nobly. I'm not going to be involved in a bunch of Takers who are
ungrateful and do not appreciate what other people have done for them. That's the part that sucks.
Get this, I get a phone call from a member of this party (we both know) that lives 300 miles away telling me what a bad person I am. One, she doesn't even LIVE here, and two what the hell does she know, and THIRD she won't even listen to what I have to say. She lives 300 miles away.
I love to teach my students life lessons those I have learned and past experiences, because I want to foster growth and make them better people. I admit my faults and share the truth. I'm not that
selfish either to share the bad stories other people who have done to me. I truly admit my own faults, because even I make them. I own that, too. When I tell an incident, do I give direct sources and names? No, that's rude, but I do share the story in its
entirety because I want them to know the moral of the lesson: When you say you are going to do something,
just do it. The funny thing is the aforementioned story they knew each event before I could tell it, and that is why I've had them two years. Not only are they really smart, but man have they learned about life from me. That's the part I am most proud of, not that they can think at high levels or be
successful, although part of the education plan there is so much more to life.
I've walked away with my head up high knowing I did the right thing this time. I do not regret what I have done and the shallow people think I did something wrong, too bad for them, too.
Selfish people exist.
Oh yeah, I've spent two weekends ruining my weekend. Last weekend I was looking for the CD and today I haven't eaten breakfast. Maybe I
should walk to the lake and go bowling, I'm calling my FRIENDS. There's one
itty bitty detail I forgot to add. Remember all that stuff about being responsible she lost something I let her borrow. The proof is in the pudding. I'm really not lying to you. This story is true. It sounds like a made up story, because how could anyone be so dumb.
I want you to remember the point of this story, she is responsible and has
priorities in check, I do not get how now that she REALLY needs it, and I'm the bad guy who loses many things (family), because she can't even tell her own story right. OH, if you could hear the slew of accusations. I can look at myself in the mirror every morning knowing, that I wasn't wrong. She can too probably because "I was wrong for not giving her to her", and she has lots of stress now (lots of stress) and of course, she had nothing to do with that.
Ha, why didn't the walk to the lake and the game of bowling cure that stress?
What I've had to hear: No one chooses to hear. To my side they've had a deaf ear, because remember this: I was five once.
You know, I'm not trying to be rude or mean. Seriously, I just want you to see that a situation like this really turned me into this mean awful person. I've lost more than you will know. I can't regret what I have lost because their reactions instigated more than telling the aforementioned person, "You did something wrong."